Computer Basics in 3 Months

Course of Basic Courses

In this course, we provide proper knowledge on  the All types of Basics points

  • English Typing with accurate fingers practise.
  • Dos
    • Directory Commands
    • Internal Commands
    • External Commands
  • Windows Paint
  • Control Panel
  • Word Pad
  • Notepad

Microsoft Office 

Microsoft Office is the basics of Computers - Word, Excel & Powerpoint 

  • Word
    Typing Project Reports, Thesis, Balance Sheet,
    Quatation, Memos, Labels Printing, Format External Documents, All tools knowledge with proper guidance. 
  • Excel
    Organizes data & Flow into columns and rows, formulas like Vlookup,H lookup, Pivot Table Balance Sheets, Calculation Work, P & L, Rate Lists, Quality Work & Tests. 
  • Powerpoint
    Making Presentations, slides work, project work, professional presentations, slide shows, business related presentations